Private banks are increasingly seeing philanthropy as a way to encourage deeper engagement with wealthy family investors, particularly when dealing with the hard-to-please ‘next generation’ of clients.
According to US wealth manager Northern Trust, millennials are on the cusp of a $31 trillion wealth transfer, with this cohort thinking very differently than their parents about how financial resources should be used to affect positive wealth outcomes.
“They want to be good stewards of their family’s wealth, but their philanthropic interests may differ from their parents or grandparents, and that can create tension,” says Marguerite Griffin, director of philanthropic advisory services for Northern Trust Wealth Management.
Wealth managers are keen to stress that the old amateurish approach to these softer skills is no longer adequate for wealthy family clients. “To make an impact, you really need to frame and focus your philanthropy and run it as a business,” says Karen Kardos, head of philanthropic advisory at Citi Private Bank.
She acknowledges that it can be tricky to even begin a conversation about these topics, as bankers are typically rewarded by products sold and assets under management rather than the success of value-based projects.
“Many bankers realize that philanthropy is important to clients, and having a resource that can guide families in their philanthropic journey is a qualitative measure that cannot be captured with a KPI,” says Ms. Kardos. “But some bankers are not always sure how to begin the discussion or are unsure of what they want to get out of the discussion, so they don’t bring it up.”
根據美國財富管理公司Northern Trust的報告,千禧一代即將迎來31萬億美元的財富轉移,這一群體在如何利用財務資源以實現積極的財富成果方面,與其父母有著截然不同的思維方式。
Northern Trust Wealth Management的慈善諮詢服務主任Marguerite Griffin表示:“他們希望能夠妥善管理家庭的財富,但他們的慈善興趣可能與父母或祖父母不同,這可能會造成緊張。
財富管理者強調,舊有的方式已不再適用於富裕家庭客戶。“要實現影響,您需要真正框定和聚焦您的慈善事業,並將其運行如同一項業務,”Citi Private Bank慈善諮詢部負責人Karen Kardos說。
Kardos女士指出:“許多銀行家意識到慈善對客戶的重要性,擁有能夠指導家庭慈善旅程的資源是一種質量指標,而無法用關鍵績效指標來量化。但有些銀行家並不總是確定如何開始討論,或者不確定自己希望從討論中獲得什麼,因此他們不會提出這個話題。” Full Article: Private banks professionalise philanthropy services - Professional Wealth Management